Easter Season
March 30, 2018 | Paul Bootsma

According to the calendar, spring is here, but we are all wondering when the weather will turn to spring and the soil will turn that light-coloured brown. Most are looking forward to some more heat and warmer weather.
For many, this weekend is a time of reflection as Christians remember the gift of salvation through the work of Jesus Christ. At CFFO, we acknowledge that He is the creator of all and our task is to care for creation to His glory and our blessing.
The political scene is also heating up as we approach a provincial election. When the campaign begins, The CFFO will be working closely with our district leaders to address important issues that candidates should be prepared to respond to, including economic sustainability for agriculture, farmland preservation, and water stewardship. Rural Ontario is hoping for a listening ear from the next government.
The CFFO has almost completed its 2018 Policy Tour and has learned that many of our members certainly understand the importance of soil and water stewardship. We have heard many talk about their efforts in improving soil fertility and organic matter in the hopes of leaving the soil in as good or better condition for the next generation.
Farmers understand that the healthy condition of their soil helps manage variables like extreme rain fall or drought. Many around the table discussed the benefits of cover crops, crop fodder and less tillage. Many agreed that the industry as a whole must to work together to encourage all those involved in soil management to take positive action on this subject.
Water quality was also discussed as we better understand how to mitigate contamination of water from nutrients and chemical herbicide applications. Most farmers want to do what is right for the soil and water because they care about the environment and understand that, in the long term, good stewardship more sustainable for them.
This weekend as we meet with family and friends and look forward to a new growing season, let’s remember the many positives we have here in Ontario: hard working farmers producing safe, healthy food; an environment that is cared for by our farmers, which we can enjoy together; a creation that is full of beauty.
The seasons faithfully change from winter to spring and summer, a sure sign of a loving God, and the death and resurrection of His Son, which we celebrate this weekend. From all of us at CFFO we wish you a blessed Easter.
Paul Bootsma is Member Relations Manager for the Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario. The CFFO Commentary represents the opinions of the writer and does not necessarily represent CFFO policy. The CFFO Commentary is heard weekly on CFCO Chatham, CKXFM Chatham, CKNX Wingham, and UCB Canada radio stations in Chatham, Belleville, Bancroft, Brockville and Kingston. It is also archived on the CFFO website, www.christianfarmers.org. CFFO is supported by 4,000 family farmers across Ontario.